As winter approaches, it’s important to prepare your home for the colder weather and shorter days. Although you may not be ready for it, your house needs to be! Since it is still technically fall, now is the perfect time to start getting your home ready. You can make the transition between summer and winter easier by following these simple steps below.

Evaluate Your Tree Branches
Winter snowfall can exert substantial weight on tree branches, making it essential to inspect your yard’s trees. While it might not be an obvious task, it is a necessary one. Heavy snowfall increases the risk of weak or dead branches snapping and falling, posing a danger to people below or causing damage to your home, such as the roof, siding, gutters, or even your vehicle. Addressing potential issues with your tree branches before they become problems can save you from costly repairs and replacements later on.
Inspect Your Gutters
In this ongoing fall season, the abundance of fallen leaves is a common occurrence. While many leaves find their way into our yards and are easily raked up, some inevitably end up in our home’s gutters. Therefore, it is crucial, especially after the leaves have all descended, to inspect your gutters. Clogged and full gutters during winter can freeze, leading to backups when snow and ice melt off the roof. This scenario not only poses a risk of potential damage but can also result in unwanted leaks in your home, including the basement.
Shut Off External Water Sources
Whether you maintained a garden throughout the summer or cultivated new grass, or perhaps had a yard filled with children playing in the sprinklers, it’s time to prepare for winter. Drain and store your garden hose, and most importantly, turn off the external water source. Experts recommend completing this task before the first frost sets in. Neglecting to do so may cause pipes to freeze and rupture at weak points in your home’s plumbing infrastructure, leading to significant problems and costly repairs down the line.
Preparing your home for winter should not be relegated to the back burner. Start early enough in the fall to avoid unnecessary stress and the feeling of needing to rush through tasks. As you ready your home for winter, keep JM Remodeling at the forefront of your mind. We are here to assist you in updating and remodeling your home in any way necessary. For a quote, call us at (414) 354-2800!